African Jewellery Making Appreciation: A Long and Storied Tradition
The article discusses the importance of African jewellery making traditions in society.
African jewellery is more than just a piece of material with a value. It is a cultural tradition that should be preserved for generations to come.
It mentions how in the past, there may not have been as much awareness of the need to save these traditions for future generations but now, people are increasingly aware and using digital tools to preserve these traditions digitally.
The Beginnings of African Jewellery Making
The jewellery making in Africa began centuries ago in Egypt. The populations of Africa began to manufacture bracelets, necklaces, anklets and other ornaments from various materials including hemp, leather strips, animal hides and beads.
Jewellery making is an art that spans across diverse regions and cultures. In West Africa there are fewer pieces of jewellery made but a greater variety with more complex techniques. Whereas in East Africa there are more different types but less complicated techniques.
Is There a Future for Traditional African Jewelry?
Traditional African Jewelry has been a symbol of the culture for years. The culture and the jewelry are deeply intertwined. As more and more Africans become westernized, they see less value in their traditional heritage.
The future of Traditional African jewelry is dependent on how much we value our customs. If we don’t want to lose them, then the answer is yes. If not, then I can’t imagine what could happen to traditional African jewelry in the future.